San Cristobal de Los Casas
Other than to use the word breathtaking, I am not going to try to describe the city of San Cristobal de Los Casas. I have been walking around the city in a state of disbelief that there could be any place so beautiful. I don´t think anywhere I went in Europe even compares to this. If you don´t believe me, go onto Flickr and see for yourself. (
The following two headings will probably be reoccuring. Stay tuned.
Strange Things I Have Eaten So Far
Tacos el Pastor (when I think about some of the pastors I have met, this seems to be a reasonable use for them)
· actually a kind of cheese, but I prefer to think of it as the dog
Funny Signs
A very serious looking green RUTA DE EVACUACION sign posted on the wall of a tiny moneychanging business (evacuation route). The store was all of 12 feet wide with three walls and the other side was completely open. There was no other direction one could conceivably go in any situation. Fortunately the arrow was pointing to the side of the store that was completely open. I would hate to think of the confusion it could cause in an emergency if it were pointing in another direction.