Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Strange Things I Have Eaten III

Although not as strange as eating caterpillars, it still seems weird to me that some of the drinks I have tried here are random veggies and grains blenderized with sugar. Even stranger is that they are always very refreshing.

Some of the drinks I have had:

Horchata - a drink made from pulverized rice
Avena - a drink made from oatmeal
Agua Pepina - a drink made from cucumbers
Jamaica - a drink made from hibiscus flower petals

Who first thought to themselves that it might be really tasty to grind up rice, add sugar, ice and water? I can't help but wonder if some Mexicans made a bet to see who could think of the strangest drinks and then they made them. And then they caught on. I'll keep you posted on new and exciting foods.

* In this picture, jamaica (pronounced 'ha MIKE a') is on the left and horchata is on the right.

** Note that I reposted the blog from Saturday with a picture.


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