Saturday, May 12, 2007

Osama Bin Laden Spotted in Colonia Teran!

Given the present level of paranoia in the Excited States of America, I can't help but wonder if posting a blog with such a title won't result in me ending up on some CIA watchlist. If the absurdly conical head didn't give it away, this is a comical caricature of the infamous, exiled son of Laden. I found him anxiously awaiting his next opportunity to raise his wannabe AK47 at the crowd and riddle the audience with a harmless spray of water. A few pesos and a good shot is all it takes to bring on Osama's wrath and a whole lot of laughter especially there are unsuspecting people standing near him.

Of course, you can also opt for the miniature Mexican band. A well placed shot can also start up the Tigres and their tinny music.

What more wholesome father and son activity could there be than shooting? The family that shoots together . . .

Even if I am too old to get on the carousel, it always makes me happy to see one. It must be a fun job to work the carousel. To make children happy every day. What more lofty goal could anyone have?


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